
I'm trying to run the Playn html web application samples in Eclipse. I've followed the steps here:

I'm running Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu 11.10. I installed the plugins and I was able to run the Java version successfully.

However, when I run GWT Compile by right-clicking the html listing in the Package Explorer, I get the following error:

An internal error occurred during: "playn-showcase-html - GWT Compile". java.lang.NullPointerException

This occurs with the other samples too. When I get to the GWT Compile dialogue box, a message at top says "The project has errors."

When I start Eclipse, I get the following message in the console:

GWT SDK not installed.

However, the SDK is installed. I double-checked by redoing the steps here:

And I get the following message:

"Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0" will be ignored because it is already installed.

No correct solution

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