
I was wondering if anyone has run any benchmark tests on the JSON() function in MVC and how it compares to JSON.NET? Also which one outputs the best json strings?

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There is a performance comparison here. ASP.NET MVC uses the JavaScriptSerializer.

Json.NET gives you more control over outputting JSON (especially around dates) and also has the option for printing indented JSON.


i am using the MVC json and it is a very good choice. i used in the past it was good but there is overhead because of the 3 party DLL 3 + is doing great with json.

give it a try ..

An author of the ServerStack framework introduced a new JSON serializer for .NET and Mono, and their benchmarks quote higher performance than JSON.NET and WCF JSON Serializer. At first glance it doesn't support a couple of important features from JSON.NET: indented serialized text, and it looks like it requires more code.

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