
Well guys I am trying to encrypt (actually sign) data using Public and Private exponent and modulus, It is in C#.NET and I can't use RSACryptoServiceProvider because it needs also both prime numbers and other CRT stuff.

So I am trying to do following:

private Byte[] signData()
  BigInteger biPrivEx = new BigInteger(this.privEx); // Those are byte[]
  BigInteger biPubEx = new BigInteger(this.pubEx);
  BigInteger biMod = new BigInteger(this.mod);          

  BigInteger cyph = BigInteger.ModPow(new BigInteger(pkcs11), biPrivEx, biMod); // This raise exception

  return cyph.ToByteArray();;

But the problem is I am getting Out Of Range Exception because my private exponent is negative number.

What am I doing wrong? Or is possible to easily recovery CRT from this? Or maybe is there any better way how to do it? In different program I am able to this with data I am using, so I have got reference to verify it.

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The problem is that you got a negative private exponent in the first place. Depending on how you got this broken exponent try:

  1. Adding n to it
  2. Concating a 00 byte to the array, to make it parse correctly.

You should also be careful about endianness issues. .net's BigInteger uses little endian, other binary formats might use big endian.


BigInteger ParseBinaryLE(byte[] raw)
   return new BigInteger(raw.Concat(new byte[]{0}).ToArray());

BigInteger ParseBinaryBE(byte[] raw)
   return new BigInteger(raw.Reverse().Concat(new byte[]{0}).ToArray());

AFAIK it is also possible to recover P and Q (and from those the rest of the parameters) when you know e, d and n.

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