
A very basic question i guess:

The C++ code, calling lua looks like this:

lua_State* m_L;
m_L = lua_open();
luaL_dofile(m_L, "test.lua");
try {
    luabind::call_function<void>(m_L, "main");
} catch (luabind::error& e) {
    std::string error = lua_tostring(e.state(), -1);
    std::cout << error << std::endl;

now test.lua has the following contents:

function main()
print "1"

Upon execution I receive the error:

test.lua:2: attempt to call global 'print' (a nil value)

What is the problem? It has something to do with environments? I thought functions like print are defined in the global environment. Why is it not found then?

Thank you very much.

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As you figured it out, you have to call luaopen_base to get print and other base functions. Then you need to call luaopen_string, luaopen_math, to get the basic modules and functions in. Instead of writing it all out manually, can load all Lua base function at once with luaL_openlibs:

lua_State* m_L = luaL_newstate();
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