
I have a table with text in various language. Its defined like this:



0, ENU, a
0, DAN, b
1, ENU, c
2, ENU, d
2, DAN, e
3, ESP, f
3, ENU, g

Language and Id form the key.

Now I want to extract all texts in a langauge (lets say english) and have the coorosponding text in another language (lets say danish) shown in the column next to. So the result should be:

0, a, b
1, c, 
2, d, e
3, g

I know I can do a join like this:

SELECT t1.Id, t1.Text AS "ENU", t2.Text AS "DAN" table as t1 
JOIN table as t2 ON (t1.Id= t2.Id) 
WHERE t1.Langauge = "ENU" AND t2.Language = "DAN";

But this does not include the missing rows (ie row id=1 and id=3). How to do this?

* UPDATE **** I get suggestion to use LEFT JOIN but I cant get it working. Maybe because my table layout is a bit different than in the simplified question above. My table is defined as this:


Where Language,MPageId,MFieldId,MParagraph forms the key

I tried this:

SELECT t1.MPageId, t1.MFieldId, t1.MParagraphId, t1.MText, t2.MText FROM main as t1 LEFT JOIN main as t2 ON (t1.MPageId = t2.MPageId AND t1.MFieldId = t2.MFieldId AND t1.MParagraphId = t2.MParagraphId) WHERE t1.MLanguage = 'ENU' AND t2.MLanguage = 'DAN'

Was it helpful?


SELECT t1.Id, t1.Text AS "ENU", t2.Text AS "DAN" FROM table as t1 
LEFT JOIN table as t2 ON (t1.Id= t2.Id AND t2.Language = "DAN")
WHERE t1.Langauge = "ENU"


You do need the left join... but the "AND" clause for "DAN"ish would be applied AT the LEFT JOIN, and not in the WHERE clause... The where clause implies an INNER JOIN

      t1.Text AS "ENU", 
      t2.Text AS "DAN" 
      YourTable t1
         LEFT JOIN YourTable t2 
            ON t1.Id= t2.Id
           AND t2.Language = "DAN"
      t1.Langauge = "ENU"
select Id,
MAX(case when LanguageS='ENU' then Text  else null end  ) as A,
MAX( case when LanguageS<>'ENU' then Text  else null end ) as B
from LAN

Id      A           B
0       a           b
1       c           ?
2       d           e
3       g           f
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