
Hey fellow developers,

- Before this gets flagged to high heaven, I realize the mvc 4 release is Beta, and I don't expect perfection, but the release is brand new, so there's really just not much user info out (that I could find) discussing IDE issues.

The issue:
I installed the MVC 4 Beta and it's great. However I am experiencing like 15-20 second delays on pasting anything anywhere, (not cutting, not copying, not formatting just pasting)

Also I am getting rather frequent crashes, somewhat intermittenly.

*Edit: All add in's and extensions have been disabled *
I am running resharper 5 and stylecop, all other add ins I have disabled.

Is anyone out there experiencing similar issues? and does anyone by chance have any idea on a known settings issue or a work around or anything. It's very hard to use right now when ever copy paste results in a huge lag spike.

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Same thing is happening to me. Long delays between copy/paste, however I DO NOT have an encrypted I do not think that is it.

I have tried a new application and one that I created from the previous MVC 4 Beta and it happens in both. So, its not the upgrade to the new MVC4 Beta.


Workaround is to build the assemblies and have them in the bin folder.

EDIT 2 2/29/2012: This is happening in Visual Studio 11 Beta. Looks like this is an ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta problem.

EDIT 3 03/07/2012: Here is the workaround of Visual Studio 11...

EDIT 4 11/02/2012: This is fixed in Visual Studio 2012 RTM


I was experiencing a similar issue. It was only happening when I was editing .cshtml files, but only on a newly created project.

If I create a new MVC4 application using Razor, and then immediately open _Layout.cshtml for example, any attempt to cut and paste a line (or comment a line using CTRL+K+C) results in a wait of about 40 seconds for me. However, if I do a rebuild, the editing then works fine for all files from that point forward.

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