
I'm trying to do the 'rails for zombies' course on codeschool, but I'm stuck on this one:

The frustrating thing about this course, is that you can't refine your answers, because you don't see the return value from incorrect solutions.

Anyway, the database looks like this:

id  name    graveyard
1   Ash     Glen Haven Memorial Cemetary
2   Bob     Chapel Hill Cemetary
3   Jim     My Fathers Basement

The challenge is to "Use an each block to print the names of all the Zombies"

My solution is: <% zombies.each do |z| puts end

This fails, but I don't get to see how it fails, so I can't refine it. What is the solution?

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Try this:

<% zombies.each do |z| %>
  #note the equal-to sign below. this means that the text will be sent as output
  <%= %>
<% end %>


  • puts is used to output the text to the console
  • <%= %> is the way to output text in an ERB template
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