
Is it possible to change the size of the treeview window after it has been visualized?

My code looks like this:

_p2DNavViewer = NULL;       
_p2DNavViewer = new CATNavigation2DViewer(this, "", CATDlgFraNoTitle | CATDlgWndNoDecoration |CATDlgWndChildMDI |CATDlgFraNoFrame, _width, _height);

_pNavigBox = new CATNavigBox(this, "", NULL, Indented, "CATINavigateObject_ForCAA2", 0, 0, _p2DNavViewer);

this is the surrounding CATDlgContainer.

I can't find anything that would indicate that its possible, but CATIA is doing it so there has to be a way. Im using CAAV5 R16.

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I don't know why it didn't work but now i've got it. I'm catching a Resizecallback from the CATDlgContainer


The catching method looks like this

void PROTrvTreeView::OnContainerResizeNotification(CATCommand* cmd, 
                  CATNotification* evt, CATCommandClientData data) {
    DRECT * pRect = new DRECT();
    if (pRect != NULL) {
        _p2DNavViewer->SetRectDimensions(pRect->x,pRect->y, pRect->dy, pRect->dx);
    delete pRect;
    pRect = NULL;

So it was _p2DNavViewer->SetRectDimensions all along

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