
I'm trying to export static fields from class:

class Foo
   const static int Var;

// luabind module:
.def_readonly("Var", &Foo::Var);
// I've also tried
.def_readonly("Var", Foo::Var);
 error: no matching function for call to ‘luabind::class_<Foo>::def_readonly(const char [6], const Foo&)’
 note: template<class C, class D> luabind::class_& luabind::class_::def_readwrite(const char*, D C::*)

What have I missed up?

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As clearly stated in the documentation, static functions (among other things) can't be added as members. They have to be scoped in a special .scope construct.

        def("f", &f)

I don't know if the non-member function version of def has readonly versions for variables, but it may. If it doesn't, then you'll have to expose it as a function that returns the value.

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