
I am working on form validation with AJAX using Dajax in a Django project. I would like to know whether there is an efficiently way to display validation errors. For now, I return errors in the server-side when AJAX is called, and the client-side displays the errors using javascript.

# (if the form is not valid ...)

error_messages = []
# Display error messages.
for field in form:
    error_messages += field.errors

dajax.add_data({'msg':error_messages}, 'displayError')     
return dajax.json()

Is there any way to use django template tags to display errors using AJAX?

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You can return html that represents these errors and just insert it using javascript, something like:


template = 'errors.html'
data = {
    'error_messages': error_messages,
return render_to_response(template, data,
    context_instance = RequestContext(request))


{% for message in error_messages %}
    <li>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Though I'm not a fan of this approach, I prefer separating data and presentation, and usually return only json.

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