
I need a function which establishes a policy for my class for displaying items. e.g:

SetDisplayPolicy(BOOLEAN_PRED_T f)

This is assuming BOOLEAN_PRED_T is a function-pointer to some boolean predicate type like:

typedef bool (*BOOLEAN_PRED_T) (int);

I'm interested only on e.g: display something when the passed predicate is TRUE, do not display when it's false.

The above example works for functions returning bool and taking an int, but I need a very generic pointer for the SetDisplayPolicy argument, so I thought of UnaryPredicate, but it's boost related. How I can pass a unary predicate to a function in STL/C++? unary_function< bool,T > won't work because I need a bool as return value, but I want to ask the user just for "unary function that returns bool", in the most generic approach.

I thought of deriving my own type as:

template<typename T>
class MyOwnPredicate : public std::unary_function<bool, T>{};

Could that be a good approach?

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Turn SetDisplayPolicy into a function template:

template<typename Pred>
void SetDisplayPolicy(Pred &pred)
   // Depending on what you want exactly, you may want to set a pointer to pred,
   // or copy it, etc.  You may need to templetize the appropriate field for
   // this.

Then to use, do:

struct MyPredClass
   bool operator()(myType a) { /* your code here */ }


In the display code you would then d someting like:

if(myPred(/* whatever */)

Of course, your functor may need to have a state and you may want its constructor to do stuff, etc. The point is that SetDisplayPolicy doesn't care what you give it (including a function pointer), provided that you can stick a function call onto it and get back a bool.

Edit: And, as csj said, you could inherit from STL's unary_function which does the same thing and will also buy you the two typedefs argument_type and result_type.


You're on the right track since unary_function is intended as a base class. However, note that the first parameter is supposed to be the argument_type and the second is the result_type. Then, all you need to do is implement operator()

template<typename T>
struct MyOwnPredicate : public std::unary_function<T,bool>
    bool operator () (T value)
        // do something and return a boolean
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