
I need to recreate a query using nHibernate Criteria. This query had a where clause that was pretty ugly.

((t.Disposition_CD)='ac' Or    
 (t.Disposition_CD)='cc' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='Co' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='SF' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='SC' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='OR' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='SV' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='RI' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='WN' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='NC' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='DN' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='WT' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='MA' Or  
 (t.Disposition_CD)='TO' Or  

so, I started here

IList leadList = 
     new string[] {"AC","CC" })).List();

the problem the Property on Lead is a CallDisposition Object and gives me a Unknown entity class: System.String error when I try to do this. An Array of CallDisposition is what it's looking for.

Basically what I'm looking for is a list of Leads that meet all the or criteria of the original query. Any suggestions are helpful.

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Without knowing the properties of your entities it is hard to comment.

If the CallDisposition property is a CallDisposition entity that has a CallDispostionCode property then you could do something like this:

IList leadList = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Lead))
                      new string[] {"AC","CC" })).List();

Or if CallDisposition has an Id you could modify your second solution to something like this:

DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For<CallDisposition>()
    .Add(Expression.In("CallDispostionCode", new string[] { "AC", "CC" })

IList leadList = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(EmcLead))
    .Add(Subqueries.PropertyIn("CallDisposition.Id", criteria)).List();

This would be only one database hit using a subselect.


ok...I achieved the desired results but I went about it a different way.

first I did this

IList DispList = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(CallDisposition)).Add(Expression.In("CallDispostionCode", new string[] { "AC", "CC" })).List();

followed by this

IList leadList = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(EmcLead)).Add(Expression.In("CallDisposition", DispList)).List();

if I stored the CallDispositionCode in the Lead object I would be able to right to the Lead and get the CallDispositionCode. It's a design issue.

If anyone has any suggestions, or comments, I would be interested in hearing.

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