
I'm reading email headers (in Node.js, for those keeping score) and they are VARY varied. E-mail addresses in the to field look like:

"Jake Smart" <>,, "Development, Business" <>

and a variety of other formats. Is there any way to parse all of this out?

Here's my first stab:

  1. Run a split() on - to break up the different people into an array
  2. For each item, see if there's a < or ".
  3. If there's a <, then parse out the email
  4. If there's a ", then parse out the name
  5. For the name, if there's a ,, then split to get Last, First names.

If I first do a split on the ,, then the Development, Business will cause a split error. Spaces are also inconsistent. Plus, there may be more e-mail address formats that come through in headers that I haven't seen before. Is there any way (or maybe an awesome Node.js library) that will do all of this for me?

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There's a npm module for this - mimelib (or mimelib-noiconv if you are on windows or don't want to compile node-iconv)

npm install mimelib-noiconv

And the usage would be:

var mimelib = require("mimelib-noiconv");
var addressStr = ', "Development, Business" <>';
var addresses = mimelib.parseAddresses(addressStr);

// [{ address: '', name: '' },
//  { address: '', name: 'Development, Business' }]


The actual formatting for that is pretty complicated, but here is a regex that works. I can't promise it always will work though.

const str = "...";
const pat = /(?:"([^"]+)")? ?<?(.*?@[^>,]+)>?,? ?/g;

let m;
while (m = pat.exec(str)) {
  const name = m[1];
  const mail = m[2];

  // Do whatever you need.

I'd try and do it all in one iteration (performance). Just threw it together (limited testing):

var header = "\"Jake Smart\" <>,, \"Development, Business\" <>";
alert (header);
var info = [];
var current = [];
var state = -1;
var temp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < header.length + 1; i++) {
  var c = header[i];
  if (state == 0) {
    if (c == "\"") {
      temp = "";
      state = -1;
    } else {
      temp += c;
  } else if (state == 1) {
    if (c == ">") {
      info.push (current);
      current = [];
      temp = "";
      state = -1;
    } else {
      temp += c;
  } else {
    if (c == "<"){
      state = 1;
    } else if (c == "\"") {
      state = 0;

alert ("INFO: \n" + info);

For something complete, you should port this to JS:

It gives you all the parts you need. The tricky bit is just the set of regexps at the start.

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