
I'm trying to get coverage of JBoss AS 7. Here's my branch:

When I run mvn clean install -rf testsuite -DallTests -Dcoverage -fae I get (almost) empty jacoco.exec files - just some metadata (size is few bytes). The JVM arg line used is:


This line is passed to Arquillian to use to start JBoss AS 7. The testsuite runs, the argument is passed (it appears in AS7's boot.log), but the resulting jacoco.exec file is only few bytes in size. The report of course shows no coverage.

What am I doing wrong?

Was it helpful?


Resolved - the "includes" and "excludes" parameters of the agent refer to class names, not files.

Correct JVM agent argument for my case is:


My aproach was to configure the maven jacoco plugin to get the argument, and then hard-coded the property into pom.xml since the property generated by the plugin is not passed to the Surefire plugin.

                        <!-- Doesn't work currently - waiting for JaCoCo to fix this. Moved to the Ant plugin execution. -->
                            <phase>none</phase> <!-- post-integration-test -->
                <!-- Copy JaCoCo jars to have them for the Ant plugin. -->
                        <!-- Copy the ant tasks jar. Needed for . -->
                        <execution> <id>ts.jacoco.dep.ant</id> <goals><goal>copy</goal></goals> <phase>process-test-resources</phase> <inherited>false</inherited>
                        <!-- Copy the agent jar. Needed for ${jvm.args.jacoco} to have this jar on known path.
                             If the ts.jacoco-prepare worked and really put the value into the property, this might go away. -->
                        <execution> <id>ts.jacoco.dep.agent</id> <goals><goal>unpack</goal></goals> <phase>process-test-resources</phase> <inherited>false</inherited>

                <!-- Ant plugin. -->
                        <!-- DEBUG -->
                                    <echo>Jacoco argline: ${jvm.args.jacoco}</echo>
                                    <echo>Jacoco jar: ${basedir}/target/jacoco-jars/org.jacoco.ant.jar</echo>
                        <!-- Must be run using Ant due to -->
                            <phase>site</phase> <!-- post-integration-test -->
                                    <taskdef name="report" classname="org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask">
                                        <classpath path="${basedir}/target/jacoco-jars/org.jacoco.ant.jar"/>
                                    <echo>Creating JaCoCo test coverage reports...</echo>
                                    <mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/coverage-report"/>
                                            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
                                                <include name="**/target/jacoco.exec"/>
                                        <structure name="AS 7 project">
                                                <fileset dir="${jboss.dist}/modules">
                                                    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                                                    <!-- We have 2.x in main. -->
                                                    <exclude name="com/sun/jsf-impl/1.*/**/*"/>
                                                    <!-- AS7-3383 - com/sun/codemodel vs. /1.0/com/sun/codemodel -->
                                                    <exclude name="com/sun/xml/**/*"/>
                                                    <exclude name="javax/faces/api/1.2/**/*"/>
                                                    <!-- AS7-3390 -->
                                                    <exclude name="org/apache/commons/beanutils/**/*"/>
                                                    <!-- AS7-3389 -->
                                                    <exclude name="org/python/jython/standalone/**/*"/>
                                            <sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
                                                <fileset dir="${jbossas.project.dir}">
                                                    <include name="**/*.java"/>
                                                    <exclude name="testsuite/**/*.java"/>
                                        <html destdir ="${basedir}/target/coverage-report/html"/>
                                        <xml destfile="${basedir}/target/coverage-report/coverage-report.xml"/>
                                        <csv destfile="${basedir}/target/coverage-report/coverage-report.csv"/>
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