
I am trying to create a function, that when imported and then called, it will check and modify a tuple. I would like to be able to call this multiple times. However, I just have the function return the new variable, because I can not figure out a way to change the variable in place.

Here is my examples with two files, how I would like it to work:

import variable

def function(new_string):
    if new_string not in variable.tuple:
        variable.tuple = new_string, + variable.tuple

import modifier

tuple = ('one','two',)

modifier.function('add this')

modifier.function('now this')

#--> tuple should now equal ('now this', 'add this', 'one', 'two',)

However right now I have to do this:

def function(tuple_old, new_string):
    if new_string not in tuple_old:
        return new_string, + tuple_old

import modifier

tuple = ('one','two',)

tuple = modifier.function(tuple, 'add this')

tuple = modifier.function(tuple, 'now this')

#--> tuple now equals ('now this', 'add this', 'one', 'two',)

This is a lot messier. First off, I have to pass in the old tuple value and get a returned value, instead of replacing the tuple directly. It works, but its not DRY and I know there must be a way to make this cleaner.

I can't use lists, because this is actually a function to update my middleware on my django settings file. Also I don't have to have the function on a different file, but I also think it should be possible.

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I don't see anything wrong about what you're doing right now (last code block), it's clear. If I see something like:

tuple = # something ...

I know that tuple is changed (probably it's just a name you used for the example, but don't call your variable "tuple").

But if I see this (what you'd like to do):

tuple = 'one', two'
function('add this')

I'd never imagine that function changed tha value of tuple. Anyway, it could be done with:

tuple = 'one', 'two'

def function(string):
    global tuple
    if new_string not in tuple:
        tuple = (new_string,) + tuple

function('add this')

Also something like this could be done:

tuple = 'one', two'
function(tuple, 'add this')

I'd say it's a little better because if I were to use your code having probelms I might guess that function does something to tuple.

And the code would be:

tuple = 'one', 'two'

def function(old_tuple, string):
    global tuple
    if new_string not in old_tuple:
        tuple = (new_string,) + old_tuple

function(tuple, 'add this')

At the end I'd say that what you're doing right now is clear and more simple, I wouldn't change it.


This seems to work:

def function(new_string):
if new_string not in variable.tuple:
    variable.tuple = (new_string,) + variable.tuple
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