
When I drag a link that is inside a draggable div over an iframe in IE7, I get very strange results. Try the code below and let me know if you have any suggestions about how to fix this.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/prototype.js"></script>-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=",dragdrop,controls"></script>
    <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,dragdrop,controls"></script>-->

    <div id="test" style="background-color: #aaaaaa; width: 200px; height: 50px;">
        <a href="blah" onclick="blah(); return false;">blah</a>

function blah(){

    var dummy = new Draggable("test", {scroll:window,scrollSensitivity: 20,scrollSpeed: 25, revert: true, onStart: onDragStart, onEnd: onDragEnd });
    var temp;
    function onDragStart(drgObj,mouseEvent){
            temp =;
   = function(e){
       = temp;
                return false;

    function onDragEnd(drgObj,mouseEvent){
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I found the only way to handle this gracefully was to place a full size div, with transparency = 1% over the iframe, then drag my content over top of it.

PS the dragging issue is in IE6 and IE8 too.


Well i couldnt test youre code. But i'm working on a iframe also with draggable items on top of the iframe.

I had the problem that the starteffect had problems setting it's opacity. thing i did was starteffect:'' in my new Draggable js code, and did a made a clean div with in there the iframe.

Here is a piece of my code:

<div id="main_container">
    <div id="youredragelelement"><img /></div>

for a full page iframe i came along this site and it works perfect for me:

Hope it helps..

Can you post the code? I am not sure I understand.

I wrapped the iframe in a div and it made no difference.

<div style="filter:alpha(opacity=1); opacity: 0.01; -moz-opacity:0.01;">
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