
I am working on a webpage and at some point I need to disable a asp:button.

This page uses a css file that has the following class:

    display: none;

So every time I set a button to disabled .net renders it with class="pagerLinkDisabled" and the button is not displayed...

At pageload I tried this:


How can I work around this problem without changing the css file?

Thanks :)


To clarify:

  • The button is being rendered but when enabled is set to false the framework is adding class="pagerLinkDisabled" to the input tag.

  • This class is defined at a css file that I cannot change.


My button is defined as such:

<asp:Button runat="server" ID="myButton" Text="mytext" Enabled="false" />

The html that is being rendered is:

<input type="submit" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$ctl00$myButton" value="mytext" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_myButton" class="pagerLinkDisabled" />
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Can you not just edit the HTML Source so that the button does not use that class?

Or is it defines at a higher level within with HTML? e.g. At the BODY tag.


I am not sure but try at page load:

myButton.Visible = true;

Why not just change the class name on the button?

Have you tried something like this:

myButton.Attributes.Add("Style","display:block !important");

Edit This works for me.

myButton.Style["display"] = "block !important";
myButton.Style["disabled"] = "disabled";
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