
Is there any good javascript library for drawing graphs in a webpage? I want a modern HTML5 library that preferably uses canvas and/or webgl. I have found a couple of good web libraries while researching but they don't scale to the size of graphs I am operating on (upto 2000 vertices+20000 edges) that a desktop software like Gephi can easily handle or they are flash/silverlight-based. So, far, my best find is a d3.js based implementation. It would be also nice if they had some automatic spring/force-based layouting/clustering algorithm built-in too with Seadragon-style zooming.

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I found exactly what I was looking for in Cytoscape


It appears that D3.js (which you mentioned in you question) is the best JavaScript graphing library in existence. It's very quick, can handle force-based layouts, and allows zooming.

Collapsible force-based layout example

Another answer on Stack Overflow discusses D3.js zooming more thoroughly.

Take a look at EXT.js, It can render to canvas, svg and mobile with the same code base. There's a lot more to the product than the visualization engine. It's a complete client-side framework. Well worth looking at.

SigmaJS is good for graphs in web page via JS.

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