
I have been trying to do a fill using the open source Srecord Program. I need to do a fill that is 0xC2AF00. It appears the program can only do fills that are a byte long (ex: 0xff). If this is not possible with the Srecord program, then how would I go about writing my own algorithm to do what I want?

I am not quite sure how to determine what needs a fill and then how I would proceed to go about doing the fill that is needed. And on the off chance that someone could answer the same question for a Tektronix file, that would be just as good or better than how to do what I am asking for on the Intel hex file.

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The -repeat-data generator can take multiple bytes as parameters. The following will fill bytes 16 through 31 with C2AF00C2AF00...

srec_cat -Output -Intel -generate 0x10 0x20 -repeat-data 0xC2 0xAF 0x00

Combine with your actual input, or other generators, to fill the appropriate ranges.


You can have full control over generating Intel Hex file with some special library, e.g. with this IntelHex Python library

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