
I am trying to figure out how to implement a "Plugin" framework with mvc. I have done some reading and found that many people recommended MEF for a plugin framework in mvc.


However, I'm running into a problem where I can't use ViewModels and other basic mvc components. I know that right now I'm a bit over my head. I'm looking for tutorials, books, and examples of a plugin pattern in action, but I can't find anything. And, most of the MEF documentation I find is a bit over my head (codeplex) or its from years ago before MEF was released in .NET 4.

Any direction/help would be greatly appreciated!!! I am not looking for MEF exclusive information. I've just been focusing on MEF because it's part of the actual .NET framework. I don't know if it can handle what I'm looking for.

Can you recommend any intermediate level resources on this subject?

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For your viewmodels, which web.config did you modify? the one at the root or the one in the /Views dir. You need to do the later

Try this one:

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