
I've looked around and I haven't found anything that fits my needs. I wish for the program to be able to intercept the Win32 (?) messages that are being sent to my own application, which is written in Visual Basic.

As a side note, is "intercept the Win32 messages" the correct phrasing?

Either way, an elaboration won't hurt; I wish for the spy tool to intercept the same messages that I would programmatically intercept with WndProc, i.e: the SendMessages and PostMessages.

I wish to make it clear that I am not seeking a program that intercepts the .NET framework events.


Edits: I can see my window and the handles of its child controls, but I do not receive any messages. I am using Windows 7 64 bit. My Spy++ version is 8.00.50727

Semi-solved; I have got a Spy++ alternative (Window Detective) to work on my virtual machine, which I am most certainly happy with, and would definitely not mind settling for.

Although I am still wondering why all the "spy-like" programs I found did not work on my "main" PC... but I guess I needn't care.

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If you start Spy++ first and then launch your .Net program and use the Search/Find window to get the handle to the application you may get the "Cannot find window wich matches search criteria." and maybe thats why you think spy++ does not handle .Net applications.

Just press F5 to refresh the spy++'s list, and try again, now you should get the window and can start receieving messages from it.

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