
How can I use an inherited class of a triangulation in the context of a triangulation in CGAL?

Basically I have the following code:

typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K;

typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2<int,K> Vb;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2<int,K>   Fb;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vb,Fb>        Tds;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<K,Tds>              Delaunay;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_2<K,Tds>                       Triangulation;

typedef Triangulation::Point Point;


Triangulation *t = new Delaunay;


// x and y are properly defined and instantiated

Well, of course, Delaunay_triangulation_2 inherits from Triangulation_2

So, when I execute this code, the linking is done against the Triangulation_2 class, in other words, it does not executes a delaunay triangulation, instead it executes a normal triangulation (executing the parent class methods instead of the child methods).

I think this is because the insert method of Triangulation_2 is not declared as virtual so redefinitions won't work.

Do you know a way around this? Maybe using Constrained_triangulation_2 and Constrained_delaunay_triangulation_2? (those classes define some virtual methods, but i've read the source code and I don't think they can be used without adding the explicit constraints)

Any ideas?

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I checked your program, you would need to reformat it a bit, so that it fits the generic programming model. Let me recall what your code does (the one available at github):

  1. reads the command line
  2. depending on the options, instantiates either a Triangulation or a Delaunay_triangulation on the heap
  3. uses this object for some processing, assuming that the methods are virtual (but they are not)

A solution for your problem would be to put step 3 in a separate method, with the triangulation type as template parameter. Something like (I use your types and names):

template < class Triangulation >
void compute_mesh(int n_vertices, int max_x, int max_y)
    Triangulation t;

Then, in your main function, you would trigger the use of Delaunay or non-Delaunay triangulations in the following way:

if (triang_type == 'D') 
    compute_mesh<Delaunay>(n_vertices, max_x, max_y);
    compute_mesh<Triangulation>(n_vertices, max_x, max_y);


Are you sure these functions are virtual? Without them being defined virtual the compiler will not call the derived class functions.

From a cursory look at the CGAL headers it does not seem that these classes have any virtual functions at all.

CGAL uses generic programming, not virtual functions. It resembles STL, just the domain is a little bit more difficult, and you need to rely more on algorithms than one usually does with STL.

I can't really tell, what is the answer to your problem, because you provided just a small snippet of the code, but try replacing

Triangle *t = new Delaunay;


Triangulation *t = new Delaunay;

first. If it does not help, please add more details from your type definitions.

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