
I'm working on a Microsoft word 2007 Document.

my Objectives are to fill :

  1. Table cell.
  2. A Paragraph line.

so,my code does this work but the problem is when i write the file using FileOutputStream, it writes only one of my objectives (the last modification only).

here is an Image of the Header :

enter image description here

and here is the code i used :


InputStream input = new FileInputStream("c:\\doslot.docx");
XWPFDocument document=new XWPFDocument(input);
 //*********************inserting the 2nd line**************************
  XWPFHeader head = document.getHeaderList().get(0);
    List<XWPFParagraph> para= head.getParagraphs();
    XWPFRun pararun=para.get(0).createRun();
    pararun.setText("DOSSIER DE LOT GLUSCAN® N°FG-4040400A");
 //*********************inserting the header thrid table cell*************************
   XWPFHeader headd = document.getHeaderList().get(1);
    List<XWPFTable> tables = headd.getTables();
    List<XWPFTableRow> rows = tables.get(0).getRows();
  XWPFTableCell cell =    rows.get(0).getTableCell(rows.get(0).getTableCells().get(3).getCTTc());
    XWPFParagraph p =cell.addParagraph();
    XWPFRun pararuno=p.createRun();
    pararuno.setText("some text");

    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("c:\\fin.docx");

     }catch(Exception ex){
Was it helpful?


The problem is that List<XWPFTableCell> cell = rows.get(0).getTableCells(); returns newly created list, XWPFTableRow.getTableCells() says:

create and return a list of all XWPFTableCell who belongs to this row

And ofcourse comments do lie, while code does not, so sources say:

public List<XWPFTableCell> getTableCells(){
    if(tableCells == null){
        //Here it is created
        List<XWPFTableCell> cells = new ArrayList<XWPFTableCell>();
        for (CTTc tableCell : ctRow.getTcList()) {
            cells.add(new XWPFTableCell(tableCell, this, table.getPart()));
        this.tableCells = cells;
    return tableCells;

And for your help there is a XWPFTableRow.getTableCell(CTTc cell), where you pass CTTc cell, and method definitely returns an existing object:

public XWPFTableCell getTableCell(CTTc cell) {
    for(int i=0; i<tableCells.size(); i++){
        if(tableCells.get(i).getCTTc() == cell) return tableCells.get(i); 
    return null;

You can achieve CTTc cell by invoking XWPFTableCell.getCTTc() and then modify it directly.

The code to directly access existing cell would be:

XWPFTableCell cell = 

I did not try or compile this code, so I am not sure if it is correct, but I trust my OO knowledge and sources. By all means this should do it. If it does - please correct the code to make sure it is correct and compilable.

FTR, I think that there should be more convenient way doing this, it is quite common to edit the cells and I think it should not be so complicated, I would suggest trying some tutorials on XWPFTable and its manipulation.

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