
In GVim I'm using a fixedsys-like font which looks good, but with italic text it breaks (chars partially unreadable, especially the last italic one if the next one is regular).

For this reason (and because I dislike italic text anyway) I'd like to completely disable italic text in Vim; without modifying any syntax highlighting related files.

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Whether syntax highlighting uses italic text or not is defined by your colorscheme. Any colorscheme rule can define term, cterm, and/or gui attribute lists, which are described at :help attr-list. You can either clear the relevant colorscheme rules or remove the italic attribute from them.

For example, if the following rule is in your colorscheme

hi IncSearch gui=italic guifg=#303030 guibg=#cd8b60

you would want to simply remove the gui=italic bit. You can also specify not to use any of the attributes from attr-list by setting gui=NONE.


When using the highly recommended Solarized theme, you can configure this using:

let g:solarized_italic=0
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