
I need to dynamically load an interface assembly that I use on client-side remoting. Something like this.

static void Main(string[] args)
  TcpClientChannel clientChannel = new TcpClientChannel();
  ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(clientChannel, false);

  Assembly interfaceAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("RemotingInterface.dll");
  Type iTheInterface = 

  object wellKnownObject = Activator.GetObject(iTheInterface, 

Only I can't seem to grasp how to call any methods as I can't cast the Activator.GetObject. How can I create a proxy of ITheService without knowing the interface at compile-time?

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Got an answer from MSDN forums.

static void Main(string[] args)
  TcpClientChannel clientChannel = new TcpClientChannel();
  ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(clientChannel, false);

  Assembly interfaceAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("RemotingInterface.dll");
  Type iTheInterface = interfaceAssembly.GetType("RemotingInterface.ITheService");

  object wellKnownObject = Activator.GetObject(iTheInterface, 

  MethodInfo m = iTheInterface.GetMethod("MethodName");
  m.Invoke(wellKnownObject, new object[] { "Argument"});


The returned object implements the interface, so you can use reflection to get its member methods and invoke them.

Or, in C#4, you can use dynamic:

dynamic wellKnownObject = Activator.GetObject(iTheInterface, 

wellKnownObject.SomeMethod(etc ..);

First, inspect the available methods/interfaces of your object:

object wellKnownObject =
  Activator.GetObject(iTheInterface, "tcp://localhost:9090/Remotable.rem");

var objType = wellKnownObject.GetType();
var methods = objType.GetMethods();
var interfaces = objType.GetInterfaces();

After you're sure about the method you want to invoke,

  1. Consider using DLR and/or wrap the dynamic object in a DynamicObject container.
  2. Use methods[i].Invoke on the object.

Here are some examples:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
  using System;

  class Program

    static void Main()
      //Using reflection:
      object obj = GetUnknownObject();
      var objType = obj.GetType();

      var knownInterface = objType.GetInterface("IA");
      var method = knownInterface.GetMethod("Print");
      method.Invoke(obj, new object[] { "Using reflection" });

      //Using DRL
      dynamic dObj = GetUnknownObject();
      dObj.Print("Using DLR");

      //Using a wrapper, so you the dirty dynamic code stays outside
      Marshal marshal = new Marshal(GetUnknownObject());
      marshal.Print("Using a wrapper");


    static object GetUnknownObject()
      return new A();
  } //class Program

  class Marshal
    readonly dynamic unknownObject;
    public Marshal(object unknownObject)
      this.unknownObject = unknownObject;

    public void Print(string text)

  #region Unknown Types
  interface IA
    void Print(string text);

  class A : IA
    public void Print(string text)
  #endregion Unknown Types

Can I get the Interface information from the remoting URL like http://localhost:8080/xxx.rem?wsdl.

As WebService, I can get the interface information from the service url,, and compile the assembly by myself code, and invoke methods via reflection.

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