
I am working to change the HTTP client in an application from Commons HTTP Client v3.x to the new HTTP Client v4.x. I searched but could not find good examples for the following scenarios-- can you point me to a good tutorial/article on the new HTTP Client (something similar to the excellent Community Wiki article at SO on

(1) set Cookie Policy

(2) set Http Proxy- defining host/domain as well as username/password

Currently this is done in the following manner--

Credentials credentials =
            ( host == null || domain == null || "".equals(host.trim()) ||     
           "".equals(domain.trim()) ) ?
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password) :
                new NTCredentials(username, password, host, domain);

 client.getState().setProxyCredentials( AuthScope.ANY, credentials);

(3) Auth credentials are defined in the old http client with the following code--

                new AuthScope(urlObj.getHost(), urlObj.getPort()),
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)

What is the way to do this in the new HTTP client?

(4) Declaring a new HTTP Method variable and for this variable, Specifying method- as GET or POST

Code used for the above currently--

 HttpMethodBase method;
method = createPostMethod(url, params, multipart, charset);
 method = createGetMethod(url, params, charset);

(5) Adding request headers to a method -

For example, to set the user agent as Default user agent, the following code is used--

method.addRequestHeader(new Header("User-Agent", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT));
Was it helpful?


(1)cookie thing see this from another question


                    new AuthScope("localhost", 8080),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));

HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("", 443, "https");
HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("localhost", 8080);

httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);

HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("/");



(3)Not sure


HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url);
HttpPost httpost = new HttpPost("" +
                    "org=self_registered_users&" +
                    "goto=/portal/dt&" +

From of example

(5)header field:

HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
get.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
get.setHeader("User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (MobilePhone SCP-5500/US/1.0) NetFront/3.0 MMP/2.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +");
get.setHeader("Accept-Charset", Chareset+";q=0.7,*;q=0.7");//"utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");

How about that? Just see the examples.

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