
i have a ResultSet method public ResultSet getItemPurchase(String Pid) which return a Data from a database table. similarly i have another method public Resultset getItemSale(String sid). i have called them using a function ResultSet rs1 = getItemPurchase(Pid); and next function is ResultSet rs2 = getItemSale(Pid);

i want to do as following.

 1. while(
 2. {
 3. rs1.getString("Item");
 4.      if(rs1.getString("price")==rs2.getString("price")
 5.        {
 6.          //some code here
 7.        }
 8.      else{
 9. rs1.getDate("Purchase Date");}
 10. rs2.getString("CustomerName");
 11. }

can anybody please help me on this

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I would suggest you to write two domain objects, Plain Java objects like:

public class ItemPurchase{
    private String price;

    //setter/getter for price

    private String purchaseDate;
    //setter/getter for purchaseDate
public class ItemSale{
  private String price;

    //setter/getter for price

    private String customerName;
    //setter/getter for customerName

Now create a list of objects while iterating each resultset like:

public List createListOfItemPurchased(ResultSet rs){
 List<ItemPurchase> purchaseList=new ArrayList<ItemPurchase>();
   ItemPurchase purchaseObject=new ItemPurchase();
 //fill all required data in it
  return purchaseList;

Same way populate the salesObjects and then create a method to filter out your results like:

filter(List purchaseList, List salesList){
  for(ItemPurchase purchaseObj:purchaseList){
    //process the objects according to your requirement
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