
I have a configuration file where a developer can specify a text color by passing in a string:

 <text value="Hello, World" color="Red"/>

Rather than have a gigantic switch statement look for all of the possible colors, it'd be nice to just use the properties in the class System.Drawing.Brushes instead so internally I can say something like:

 Brush color = Brushes.Black;   // Default

 // later on...
 this.color = (Brush)Enum.Parse(typeof(Brush), prasedValue("color"));

Except that the values in Brush/Brushes aren't enums. So Enum.Parse gives me no joy. Suggestions?

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Recap of all previous answers, different ways to convert a string to a Color or Brush:

// best, using Color's static method
Color red1 = Color.FromName("Red");

// using a ColorConverter
TypeConverter tc1 = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color)); // ..or..
TypeConverter tc2 = new ColorConverter();
Color red2 = (Color)tc.ConvertFromString("Red");

// using Reflection on Color or Brush
Color red3 = (Color)typeof(Color).GetProperty("Red").GetValue(null, null);

// in WPF you can use a BrushConverter
SolidColorBrush redBrush = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("Red");


String to brush:

myTextBlock.Foreground = new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#FFFFFF") as SolidColorBrush;

That's my case here!

A brush can be declared like this

Brush myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromName("Red"));

D'oh. After a while of looking I found:


After hitting "post". From there it's a short step to:

 color = new SolidBrush(Color.FromName(a.Value));

I'll leave this question here for others....

You could use reflection for this:

Type t = typeof(Brushes);
Brush b = (Brush)t.GetProperty("Red").GetValue(null, null);

Of course, you'll want some error handling/range checking if the string is wrong.

I agree that using TypeConverters are the best method:

 Color c = (Color)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color)).ConvertFromString("Red");
 return new Brush(c);

Try using a TypeConverter. Example:

var tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Brush));

Another alternative is to use reflection, and go over the properties in SystemBrushes.

If you want, you can extend this even more and allow them to specify values for the R, G and B values. Then you just call Color.FromArgb(int r, int g, int b);

You can use System.Drawing.KnownColor enum. It specifies all known system colors.

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