
Here is a sample spreadsheet

Sample table

I want to select a range (ex: A2:E2) and get the value 1. If I select A4:E4 I will get the value 1; and so on. Is there any way to achieve this with a macro?

Another thing I would need is the value in the first row of the corresponding column. Ex:

If I select A2:E2 I want to get n (since 1 is in column E), if I select A4:E4 I want to get v (since 1 is in column C).

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Ok, here is a function which you can use as a formula in the workbook. It also addresses both your questions. :)

Paste the below code in a module.


=MyFunc(Cell Range, Arg)

Cell Range: (Required) A range such as A2:E2

Arg: (Required) Can take a value of "H" Or "R". "H" will give you the column Header and "R" will give you the row value


=MyFunc(A1:E2,"H") will give you "n" AND

=MyFunc(A1:E2,"R") will give you "1"

Option Explicit

Function MyFunc(rng As Range, stype As String) As Variant
    Dim MyArray() As String
    Dim sCol As Long

    If stype = "" Or (UCase(stype) <> "H" And _
    UCase(stype) <> "R") Then Exit Function

    With rng
        MyArray = Split(.Address, "$")

        sCol = Cells(Val(MyArray(UBound(MyArray))), _

        If UCase(stype) = "H" Then
            MyFunc = Cells(1, sCol)
        ElseIf UCase(stype) = "R" Then
            MyFunc = Range(MyArray(UBound(MyArray) - 1) & _
        End If
    End With
End Function

Note: This is just a general code to show you how it works and it doesn't handle any errors at the moment.


The following code should do what you want. Note: I am not selecting anything since this slows things down to no advantage.

Dim ColLast as Long
Dim ValueColLast as String
Dim HeadColLast as String

With Sheets(xxxxx)

  ColLast = .Cells(2,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
  ValueColLast = .Cells(2, ColLast).Value
  HeadColLast = .Cells(1,ColLast).Value 

End With

Cells(Row, Column) addresses the cell identified by Row and Column in the active worksheet. Row must be a number. Column can be a number (eg 1 or 104) or a column identifier (eg "A" or "CZ")

.Cells(Row, Column) addresses the cell identified by Row and Column in the worksheet identified in the With statement. Note the leading dot.

.Cells(2,Columns.Count) addresses the last cell in row 2 since Columns.Count given the number of columns per worksheet for the current version of Excel. `Rows.Count does the same for rows.

Assuming .Cells(2,Columns.Count) is blank, .Cells(2,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) finds the next cell in the specified direction with a value. This is the VBA equivalent of Ctrl+LeftArrow. xlToRight, xlUp and xlDown allow you to move in the other directions. .Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp) gives the last used row in Column A.

.Cells(2,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column gives the number of the last used column in row 2.

ValueColLast = .Cells(2, ColLast).Value sets ValueColLast to the value of the last cell in Row 2. I have defined ValueColLast as a String because, if I assumed it was a number and defined it as Long, I would get an error if it was not.

HeadColLast = .Cells(1,ColLast).Value sets HeadColLast to value in Row 1.

Hope this all makes sense.

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