
I have a very big file 4GB and when I try to read it my computer hangs. So I want to read it piece by piece and after processing each piece store the processed piece into another file and read next piece.

Is there any method to yield these pieces ?

I would love to have a lazy method.

Was it helpful?


To write a lazy function, just use yield:

def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
    """Lazy function (generator) to read a file piece by piece.
    Default chunk size: 1k."""
    while True:
        data =
        if not data:
        yield data

f = open('really_big_file.dat')
for piece in read_in_chunks(f):

Another option would be to use iter and a helper function:

f = open('really_big_file.dat')
def read1k():

for piece in iter(read1k, ''):

If the file is line-based, the file object is already a lazy generator of lines:

for line in open('really_big_file.dat'):


If your computer, OS and python are 64-bit, then you can use the mmap module to map the contents of the file into memory and access it with indices and slices. Here an example from the documentation:

import mmap
with open("hello.txt", "r+") as f:
    # memory-map the file, size 0 means whole file
    map = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
    # read content via standard file methods
    print map.readline()  # prints "Hello Python!"
    # read content via slice notation
    print map[:5]  # prints "Hello"
    # update content using slice notation;
    # note that new content must have same size
    map[6:] = " world!\n"
    # ... and read again using standard file methods
    print map.readline()  # prints "Hello  world!"
    # close the map

If either your computer, OS or python are 32-bit, then mmap-ing large files can reserve large parts of your address space and starve your program of memory.

file.readlines() takes in an optional size argument which approximates the number of lines read in the lines returned.

bigfile = open('bigfilename','r')
tmp_lines = bigfile.readlines(BUF_SIZE)
while tmp_lines:
    process([line for line in tmp_lines])
    tmp_lines = bigfile.readlines(BUF_SIZE)

There are already many good answers, but I ran into a similar issue recently and the solution I needed is not listed here, so I figured I could complement this thread.

80% of the time, I need to read files line by line. Then, as suggested in this answer, you want to use the file object itself as lazy generator:

with open('big.csv') as f:
    for line in f:

However, I recently ran into a very very big (almost) single line csv, where the row separator was in fact not '\n' but '|'.

  • Reading line by line was not an option, but I still needed to process it row by row.
  • Converting'|' to '\n' before processing was also out of the question, because some of the fields of this csv contained '\n' (free text user input).
  • Using the csv library was also ruled out because the fact that, at least in early versions of the lib, it is hardcoded to read the input line by line.

I came up with the following snippet:

def rows(f, chunksize=1024, sep='|'):
    Read a file where the row separator is '|' lazily.


    >>> with open('big.csv') as f:
    >>>     for r in rows(f):
    >>>         process(row)
    incomplete_row = None
    while True:
        chunk =
        if not chunk: # End of file
            if incomplete_row is not None:
                yield incomplete_row
        # Split the chunk as long as possible
        while True:
            i = chunk.find(sep)
            if i == -1:
            # If there is an incomplete row waiting to be yielded,
            # prepend it and set it back to None
            if incomplete_row is not None:
                yield incomplete_row + chunk[:i]
                incomplete_row = None
                yield chunk[:i]
            chunk = chunk[i+1:]
        # If the chunk contained no separator, it needs to be appended to
        # the current incomplete row.
        if incomplete_row is not None:
            incomplete_row += chunk
            incomplete_row = chunk

I have tested it succesfully on large files and with different chunk sizes (I even tried a chunksize of 1 byte, just to make sure the algorithm is not size dependent).

f = ... # file-like object, i.e. supporting read(size) function and 
        # returning empty string '' when there is nothing to read

def chunked(file, chunk_size):
    return iter(lambda:, '')

for data in chunked(f, 65536):
    # process the data

UPDATE: The approach is best explained in

i am not allowed to comment due to my low reputation, but SilentGhosts solution should be much easier with file.readlines([sizehint])

python file methods

edit: SilentGhost is right, but this should be better than:

s = "" 
for i in xrange(100): 
   s +=

I think we can write like this:

def read_file(path, block_size=1024): 
    with open(path, 'rb') as f: 
        while True: 
            piece = 
            if piece: 
                yield piece 

for piece in read_file(path):

I'm in a somewhat similar situation. It's not clear whether you know chunk size in bytes; I usually don't, but the number of records (lines) that is required is known:

def get_line():
     with open('4gb_file') as file:
         for i in file:
             yield i

lines_required = 100
gen = get_line()
chunk = [i for i, j in zip(gen, range(lines_required))]

Update: Thanks nosklo. Here's what I meant. It almost works, except that it loses a line 'between' chunks.

chunk = [next(gen) for i in range(lines_required)]

Does the trick w/o losing any lines, but it doesn't look very nice.

Refer to python's official documentation

Maybe this method is more pythonic:

from functools import partial

"""A file object returned by open() is a iterator with
read method which could specify current read's block size"""
with open('mydata.db', 'r') as f_in:

    part_read = partial(, 1024*1024)
    iterator = iter(part_read, b'')

    for index, block in enumerate(iterator, start=1):
        block = process_block(block)    # process block data
        with open(f'{index}.txt', 'w') as f_out:

To process line by line, this is an elegant solution:

  def stream_lines(file_name):
    file = open(file_name)
    while True:
      line = file.readline()
      if not line:
      yield line

As long as there're no blank lines.

you can use following code.

file_obj = open('big_file') 

open() returns a file object

then use os.stat for getting size

file_size = os.stat('big_file').st_size

for i in range( file_size/1024):
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