
Hey guys, throughout google's GoogleMap API, the standard coordinates formating is Latitude first, then Longitude, i.e:


Why is it that, in GeoCode's XML response, the data is backwards in the coordinates node? i.e:

<coordinates> 151.3425040,-33.4487470,0</coordinates>

Also, could anyone shed some light on the ExtendedData nodes, and the info within? i.e:

  <LatLonBox north="-9.2106000" south="-44.7779000" east="159.2029000" west="110.8740000" /> 

a bit of a random question I know, but why would Google swap these values around in the coordinates node??



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LatLonBox is the definition for a bounding box - i.e. a rectangle that encompasses a given set of points. The rectangle is defined by two latitudes (north, south) and two longitudes (east, west).

See: latlonbox in the kml reference

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