

header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=1330554893-COVER.jpg');
header('Content-type: jpeg');

Is run in a file for example "testdownload.php" It downloads the image


and names it


But when I try make the code dynamic to download different files.

header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$newFileName}");
header("Content-type: jpeg");

where $newFileName = "1330554893-COVER.jpg" and $findFile = "watermarked/1330554893-COVER.jpg"

It downloads an image "1330554893-COVER.jpg" but it cannot be opened and I get an error "Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because eaither Photo Viewer doesn't support this file format"

Thanks for helping :)

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Allrite then, don't use readfile(), try echo file_get_contents after the headers!

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