
I've just started working with Dapper and I don't seem to find something very simple like mapping an entity to a table in my database:

I have a stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].GetUserById (@UserId int)
        SELECT UserId,LastName,FirstName,EmailAddress
        FROM users
        WHERE UserID = @UserId


Then an entity:

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

And a dapper query in my code:

int userid=1;
    User User = connection.Query<User>("#GetUserById", new {userid=userid}, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).FirstOrDefault();

My question is: How can I tell my entity User that Id is Userid on my database?

In EF I would do something like this:

MapSingleType(c => new
                UserId = c.Id,
                Firstname = c.Firstname,
                Lastname = c.Lastname,
                EmailAddress = c.Email

How can the above be achieved in dapper?

Was it helpful?


Dapper deliberately doesn't have a mapping layer; it is the absolute minimum that can work, and frankly covers the majority of real scenarios in the process. However, if I understand correctly that you don't want to alias in the TSQL, and don't want any pass-thru properties - then use the non-generic Query API:

User user = connection.Query("...", ...).Select(obj => new User {
           Id = (int) obj.UserId,
           FirstName = (string) obj.FirstName,
           LastName = (string) obj.LastName,
           Email = (string) obj.EmailAddress

or perhaps more simply in the case of a single record:

var obj = connection.Query("...", ...).FirstOrDefault();
User user = new User {
      Id = (int) obj.UserId,
      FirstName = (string) obj.FirstName,
      LastName = (string) obj.LastName,
      Email = (string) obj.EmailAddress

The trick here is that the non-generic Query(...) API uses dynamic, offering up members per column name.


It can't, your user class must be defined to match the result coming back from the query.

Once you've got the result back you must map it manually to another class (or use AutoMapper)

You could try something like this:

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

    #region Remappings

    public int UserId
        get { return Id; }
        set { Id = value; }


It might be overkill for your example, but I've found it useful in some situations to avoid cluttering every Query<> call with the remapping code.

I would recommend NReco to you. It is performant like dapper but with easy mapping with attributes. nreco

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