
I'm using capybara-webkit to test a form where the fields are populated using jquery-tokeninput ( The problem is that using fill_in does not work with this. Is there anyway to test this automatically? Thanks in advance.

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Send the 'a' character to the input who's id is search (#search)

And I send a to "input#search"

Send the 'a', 'b' and 'c' characters to the input who's id is search (#search)

And I send abc to "input#search"

You can put them in quotes if you feel more comfortable

And I send 'abc' to "input#search"

You can also send modifier/special key strokes to an element

And I send arrow_left to "input#search"

You can even send a combination of modifier and characters

This will result in a the character 'A' being sent to the input

And I send [shift, a] to "input#search"

Or maybe you just want to press enter

And I send enter to "input#search"

How cool would it be to test the counter in a text area (say for a twitter app)

And I send hello to "#message" And I should see "135" in "characters_left" And I send backspace to "#message" And I should see "136" in "characters_left"

We used it to test completion suggestions

The first suggested name was highlighted and responded to an enter keypress

And I send "bo" to "input#username" And I should see "bob" within "username_suggestions" And I send enter to "input#username"


I have been using token input also, and what it does is that it hides your actual input field, and replaces it with another element with an id matching token-input-{your_field_id}. So say you have a field with the id search, you should in fact target the element with the id token-input-search.

So an example code snippet would be:

fill_in "token-input-search", with: "hello"

And you can test you behaviour afterwards.

From the release notes in the capybara-webkit code, they have this entry from the 1.0.0 release:

* Set text fields using native key events.

So, it looks like setting the text on the text field is going to cause the native events to fire.

Like you, I also needed this to work and found that this did the trick:

find('input#query').set 'some text'

My javascript picked up the keyup event that it was listening for and fired the way it should.

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