
I'm trying to build a application for the iPhone, although I am completely new to Obj-C. For one problem I'd use a ByteBuffer in Java, but I don't see any appropriate class in Apple's documentation. So I probably have to implement it on my own.

My question is, how to do it best:

  • Is there a similar class in Obj-C? (That would be the best solution ;))
  • Should I do it by using Obj-C classes like NSData?
  • Or should I stay with plain C code?
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You probably want NSMutableData.


My recollection of java.nio.ByteBuffer (from working with Java many moons ago) is that ByteBuffer implements sequential reads/writes to an array of bytes. This is analogous to an NSInputStream backed by an NSData (for input):

NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamwithData:myData]; //assuming myData is NSData*

float myFloat;

if([inputStream hasBytesAvailable]) { // NO if you've already read to the end of myData
  NSInteger bytesRead = [inputStream read:&myFloat maxLength:sizeof(myFloat)];
  NSAssert(bytesRead == sizeof(myFloat);

You can do something similar with an NSOutputStream writing to an NSData.

I have a similar question. ilya pointed my here with his answer .

My aim is to implement a fully functional Obj-C version of java.nio.ByteBuffer. Just wanted to know what I should use to get there

That will be your custom class.

For my case I think NSInputStream and NSOutputStream should be used. For sure not NSMutableData as how is the accepted and mostly up voted answer.

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