
Two questions about this :

  • Is there a way to force g++ to ignore the throw specifiers ?
    (for example, as I remember, Visual Studio ignores the throw specifiers, different from throw())

  • Is it possible to force g++ to check if the throw specifiers are correct - what I mean is to check ( and this can be done by a one-pass compilers ) if the functions with throw specifiers call functions, that may throw by just watching theirs throw specifiers and watch for executing throw for exceptions, that will violate the specifiers ? (Note: this should not watch the functions without throw specifiers, because this could cause tons of warnings )

EDIT: I'll add some examples for my second question.

Suppose we have:

// sorry for the coding style here, but I don't want it to be unnecessary long
class A { /* .. */ };
class B : public A { /* .. */ };
class C { /* .. */ };
void no_throw_spec() { /* .. */ }
void no_throw_at_all() throw() { /* .. */ }
void throws_A() throw( A ) { /* .. */ }

// this is fine, don't do anything
void f() 
{ no_throw_spec(); no_throw_at_all(); throws_A(); }

void g() throw()
    no_throw_spec(); no_throw_at_all(); // OK
    throws_A();  // warning here - throws_A() may throw A, but g() has throw()!

void h() throw( A )
    no_throw_spec(); no_throw_at_all(); throws_A(); // OK
    if( /* .. */ ) 
        throw B(); // OK, B inherits A, it's OK
    /* .. */
    throw C();    // C does not inherit A, so WARNING!
Was it helpful?


  • gcc has an option -fno-enforce-eh-specs, see the documentation and check that it does what you want.

  • I don't remember any way to statically check exception specifications with gcc.

Note that (dynamic) exception specifications are deprecated in C++0X which add a noexcept exception specification replacing the empty exception specification case (it is also checked dynamically and has provisions helping to use it in templates).


Yes, you can make g++ ignore throw by:

#define throw(x)

About the rest you need to change the compiler code or make your own script/program in build process that will check for those things, it can be easily done with regexp.


about your comment, finding the hierarchy of exceptions is really easy. use regexp like:

class ([^ ]*) : ([^ ]*)

and input that to a hash, and later make hierarchical data.
To match exceptions in functions that throw them use:


its not tested and might have some errors, but good place to start

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