
In my previous question I asked about a multi-domain solution, but the question was too complex.

Now in short:

Is it possible to somehow setup name-based virtual hosts with Starman (or with any other pure perl PSGI server) like with Apache's <VirtualHost ...> directive? Or do I need to use Apache to get this kind of functionality?

Any idea?

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The middleware is already done in Plack::Builder with Plack::App::URLMap. The pod saying:

Mapping URL with host names is also possible, and in that case the URL mapping works like a virtual host.

Syntax is in 3rd mount:

 builder {
      mount "/foo" => builder {
          enable "Plack::Middleware::Foo";

      mount "/bar" => $app2;
      mount "" => builder { $app3 };


Here the example: one module (App) for some sites.

Your lib/ should be as:

    package YourApp;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Dancer ':syntax';

    setting apphandler => 'PSGI';


    # This and other routes ...
    get '/' => sub {
        # Static and template files will be from different directories are
        # based by host http header
        template 'index';


Your bin/app.psgi should be as:

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Dancer;

    # The next line can miss but need for quickly loading in L<Starman> server
    use YourApp;

    use Plack::Builder;

    # Please notice that here no need ports in url
    # So for will work
    my $hosts = {
      '' => '/appdir/1',
      '' => '/appdir/2'

    builder {
        my $last;
        foreach my $host (keys %$hosts) {
            $last = mount $host => sub {
                my $env = shift;
                local $ENV{DANCER_APPDIR} = $hosts->{$host};
                load_app "YourApp";
                setting appdir => $hosts->{$host};
                my $request = Dancer::Request->new( env => $env );

You can try a this my module - i think it will be more easy for virtual hosting than builder & mapping:

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