
I'd like to do this (in REPL or anywhere)

(defn (symbol "print-string") [k] (println k))

and then be able to do

(print-string "lol")

Or, if there is any other way to create defn from custom strings in macroses, could you push me into the right direction please?

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(defmacro defn-with-str [string args & body]
 `(defn ~(symbol string) ~args ~@body))

(defn-with-str "print-string" [k] (println k))

(print-string "lol")


dnolen's solution works at macro expansion time, Brian Carper's at read-time. Now, here's one for run-time:

(intern *ns* (symbol "a") (fn [k] (println k)))

I like dnolen's answer better, but you can do this too:

(defn #=(symbol "print-string") [k] (println k))

#=() is evaluated at read-time. I don't know how stable a feature of Clojure this is, I wouldn't rely on it not to change in the future. Macros are how I'd do it.

FYI - dnolen's answer will only work for literal strings, and not for strings in def'd or let'd variables.

(defmacro defn-with-str [string args & body] `(defn ~(symbol string) ~args ~@body))

(def hisym "hi") (defn-with-str hisym [] (println "hi"))

You now have a function called "hisym"

(hi) -> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: hi in this context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:6) (hisym) -> prints "hi"

To avoid this, eval the function name string in the macro

(defmacro defn-with-str [string args & body]
`(defn ~(symbol (eval string)) ~args ~@body))

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