
#include <stdio.h>

double seed=0.579832467;

main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
   /* declare variables */
   float *buf, fac;
   int sf, ne, i;

   /* prototypes? ( shouldn't they be outside the main ) */
   double rnd(), sd;

   /* gets the number of elements from command line */
   ne = atoi(av[1]);

   /* assigns the size of float ( in bytes ) to integer value */
   sf = sizeof(float);

   /* allocates appropriate memory for random number generation */
   buf = (float *)malloc(ne*sf);

   /* type cast, why?? */
   sd = (double)(ne);

   /* no idea what initrnd does */

   /* checks if memory allocation is successful */
   if (buf == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "rndneg: can't allocate %d bytes for buffer\n", ne*sf);

   /* fills buffer with random number */
   for (i=0; i<ne; i++)
     buf[i] = (float)(rnd());

   /* writes the buffer, how does it know the file name? */ 
   write(1, buf, ne*sf);

/* random number generating function */
double rnd()
seed *= 997.0;
seed -= (double)((int)(seed));


/* again no idea, why isn't this function void */
double sd;
seed = sd;

This is some code for a PRNG. I am not very experienced with C and some of the things in this code make absolutely no sense to me. I tried to comment to code to track what's going on. I would appreciate it if some of the things I don't understand could be cleared up. Especially the declarations of variables and functions with the same name, as well as the initrnd subroutine, that doesn't seem to be defined in the program or any library I could find on the internet.

Thanks a lot.

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This looks positively ancient.

A few answers to your questions:

  1. No, prototypes don't need to be outside functions. It's most common, perhaps, but not required.
  2. initrnd() just sets the global seed variable to a specific value, that is then used in the PRNG.
  3. The data is written to stdout; which is assumed to be using file descriptor 1. This use of a magical constant is not very pretty, it should be written as stdout (from <stdio.h>).


   /* type cast, why?? */
   sd = (double)(ne);

because ne is an integer and sd is a double, therefore the cast is needed

   /* no idea what initrnd does */

it is the last function, it sets the global variable seed with its parameter

   /* writes the buffer, how does it know the file name? */ 
   write(1, buf, ne*sf);

the file descriptor is 1, which stands for standard output, so this is like calling printf()


/* again no idea, why isn't this function void */

this function is int, but it should be void (it doesn't make any difference anyway), perhaps the original programmer was lazy :P

The code is pre-standard C, so it's not using prototypes (but does declare functions, though apparently not unless absolutely necessary). The function definitions use the pre-standard K&R style of declaring the parameters to the function. With non-protoyped functions, it incumbent on the programmer to ensure that the functions are called with the correct set of arguments, and that if a function returns nothing, then nothing is done with the function's 'value'.

If something other than an int is returned from a function, then the function must be declared (which is not necessarily a prototype) so the compiler is aware of the type of data returned from the function. Without a declaration, the compiler will assume that an int is returned (but if nothing is returned by the function, that's OK as long as you don't try to do anything with the function 'result').

Here are some direct comments to your questions:

   /* prototypes? ( shouldn't they be outside the main ) */
   //   this declares that function `rnd()` returns a double.  Technically, it's 
   //   not a prototype. Without the declaration the compiler would assume that it 
   //   returns an `int` so trying to use it wouldn't work.  It could be declared 
   //   outside `main()`, but it's OK to have it declared within the scope of 
   //   `main()`, just like it would be for a prototype.  That just means that 
   //    outside of `main()` the declaration is no longer in effect, so any calls
   //    to `rnd()` would assume that `int` is returned (incorrectly).
   double rnd(), sd;

   /* type cast, why?? */
   //   the cast is unnecessary and redundant, but OK
   sd = (double)(ne);

   /* no idea what initrnd does */
   //   apparently `initrnd()` initializes the rng seed (see below). There's
   //   no declaration in sight, so the compiler will default the return type 
   //   to `int` (unless it's in `stdio.h`).

   /* writes the buffer, how does it know the file name? */ 
   //   `1` is the file descriptor for `stdout`.  Today this would probably
   //   be specified using `STDOUT_FILENO`, but even today `STDOUT_FILENO` is 
   //   required to be 1 (by POSIX).
   write(1, buf, ne*sf);


/* again no idea, why isn't this function void */
//  `void` didn't exist pre-ANSI standard.
//  so this function 'returns' `int` by default.
double sd;
seed = sd;
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