
I have seen two different approaches in saving user preferences.

APPROACH 1: Serializing them and saving in one of the column of USERS table

APPROACH 2: Creating a separate table PREFERENCES and make a has_many association from USERS to PREFERENCES.

Which one of the above two approaches would you prefer and what are the pros and cons of each over other?

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It's usually a good idea to favor normalization. The second solution keeps your models cleaner, allows for easy extensibility if new preferences are added, and keeps your tables uncluttered.


I grappled with this same question so I thought I'd share what I found in a "community wiki" answer.

Serializing in a single attribute

Simple user preferences for your Rails app is a blog post describing how to do this.

Edit a serialized hash in a form? describes how to edit such a hash in a form. A helpful trick is to make the form from hash to automatically make accessor methods for each hash attribute.

DYE/has_serialized - GitHub lets you treat those attributes in the serialized hash as attributes on the (user) model.

Preferences in a separate table

Best practice to store user settings? has some tips. Below are some libs including two from another answer by @hopeless.

  • rails-settings manages a table of key/value pairs like a Hash stored in you database, using simple ActiveRecord like methods for manipulation. You can store any kind of object: Strings, numbers, arrays, or any object which can be noted as YAML. (Tested with Rails 3.1 and newer including Rails 4.x and Rails 5.x)
  • Preference-fu is good for simple boolean preferences, uses a single column for multiple preferences.(last updated 2009)
  • Preferences is more flexible, uses a separate table, some nice syntactic sugar. (last updated 2011)
  • HasEasy stores the data in a vertical table, but allows you to add validations, pre/post storage processing, types, etc. (Last updated 2008)

You can also try using metaprogramming: Practical Metaprogramming with Ruby: Storing Preferences

An improved version of the first approach can be had if you're on PostgreSQL 9.2/3+ and Rails 4+. You can use store_accessor to store preferences in a PostgreSQL hstore column with support for validations and querying.

class User
  store_accessor :preferences, :receive_newsletter

  validates :receive_newsletter, presence: true

user.receive_newsletter => 'true'

User.where("preferences->'receive_newsletter' = 'true'")

See for more details (migrations) and a special note on handling booleans.

Approach 2

You can add preferences, without cluttering up the user table

There are some Rails plugins to handle this usecase:

  • Preference-fu (good for simple boolean preferences, uses a single column for multiple preferences)
  • Preferences (more flexible, uses a separate table, some nice syntactic sugar)

I'd approach 2 because it is cleaner and easier to update. You will be able to add more preferences as complex as you want.

It will be a bit slower since you have a join to do, but it'll be worth it

In 2016, I would back Option 2.


User settings tend to become a core piece of every application. If they are retrieved on every request, you’re now making an extra query with each request. Using a separate table makes sense when you have to have individual columns for each setting. But since we’re using jsonb, that’s not an issue. It’s just a single column.

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