
I ran across some code recently at work (recreated to be similar to what I am dealing with) similar to the code below

Is there a way I can rework the code below to use one data structure (with performance in mind)?

Here is some code to illustrate what I mean:

public class ObjectMapper {

    private Map<UUID,Integer> uuidMap;
    private Map<Integer,UUID> indexMap;

    public ObjectMapper(){
        uuidMap = new HashMap<UUID,Integer>();
        indexMap = new HashMap<Integer,UUID>();

    public void addMapping(int index, UUID uuid){
        uuidMap.put(uuid, index);
        indexMap.put(index, uuid);


    public Integer getIndexByUUID(UUID uuid){
        return uuidMap.get(uuid);

    public UUID getUUIDByIndex(Integer index){
        return indexMap.get(index);

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This is answered here with the recommendation to use BiMap from Google Collections


Apache collections supports a BidiMap interface and a variety of fairly effective implementations.

You could use a single Map<Object,Object> to do both mappings. Ugly, sure. Performance should be roughly the same, or slightly better in the unlikely event that you have many ObjectMappers with few mapped values.

You can use BiMap from Eclipse Collections.

BiMap is a map that allows users to perform lookups from both directions. Both the keys and the values in a BiMap are unique.

The main implementation is HashBiMap.


BiMap.inverse() returns a view where the position of the key type and value type are swapped.

MutableBiMap<Integer, String> biMap =
  HashBiMap.newWithKeysValues(1, "1", 2, "2", 3, "3");
MutableBiMap<String, Integer> inverse = biMap.inverse();
Assert.assertEquals("1", biMap.get(1));
Assert.assertEquals(1, inverse.get("1"));
Assert.assertEquals(2, inverse.put("2", 4));


MutableBiMap.put() behaves like Map.put() on a regular map, except it throws when a duplicate value is added.

MutableBiMap<Integer, String> biMap = HashBiMap.newMap();
biMap.put(1, "1"); // behaves like a regular put()
biMap.put(1, "1"); // no effect
biMap.put(2, "1"); // throws IllegalArgumentException


This behaves like MutableBiMap.put(), but it silently removes the map entry with the same value before putting the key-value pair in the map.

MutableBiMap<Integer, String> biMap = HashBiMap.newMap();
biMap.forcePut(1, "1"); // behaves like a regular put()
biMap.forcePut(1, "1"); // no effect
biMap.forcePut(1, "2"); // replaces the [1,"1"] pair with [1, "2"]
biMap.put(2, "2"); // removes the [1, "2"] pair before putting
Assert.assertEquals(HashBiMap.newWithKeysValues(2, "1"), biMap);

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse collections.

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