
In this example, the author avoids a deadlock situation by doing:

self() ! {start_worker_supervisor, Sup, MFA}

in his gen_server's init function. I did something similar in one of my projects and was told this method was frowned upon, and that it was better to cause an immediate timeout instead. What is the accepted pattern?

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Update for Erlang 19+

Consider using the new gen_statem behaviour. This behaviour supports generating of events internal to the FSM:

The state function can insert events using the action() next_event and such an event is inserted as the next to present to the state function. That is, as if it is the oldest incoming event. A dedicated event_type() internal can be used for such events making them impossible to mistake for external events.

Inserting an event replaces the trick of calling your own state handling functions that you often would have to resort to in, for example, gen_fsm to force processing an inserted event before others.

Using the action functionality in that module, you can ensure your event is generated in init and always handled before any external events, specifically by creating a next_event action in your init function.



callback_mode() -> state_functions.

init(_Args) ->
    {ok, my_state, #data{}, [{next_event, internal, do_the_thing}]}

my_state(internal, do_the_thing, Data) ->
    {keep_state, Data);
my_state({call, From}, Call, Data) ->


Old answer

When designing a gen_server you generally have the choice to perform actions in three different states:

  • When starting up, in init/1
  • When running, in any handle_* function
  • When stopping, in terminate/2

A good rule of thumb is to execute things in the handling functions when acting upon an event (call, cast, message etc). The stuff that gets executed in init should not wait for events, that's what the handle callbacks are for.

So, in this particular case, a kind of "fake" event is generated. I'd say it seems that the gen_server always wants to initiate the starting of the supervisor. Why not just do it directly in init/1? Is there really a requirement to be able to handle another message in-between (the effect of doing it in handle_info/2 instead)? That windown is so incredibly small (the time between start of the gen_server and the sending of the message to self()) so it's highly unlikely to happen at all.

As for the deadlock, I would really advise against calling your own supervisor in your init function. That's just bad practice. A good design pattern for starting worker process would be one top level supervisor, with a manager and a worker supervisor beneath. The manager starts workers by calling the worker supervisor:

  |    \
  |     \
  |      \
 man  [work_sup]
       /  |  \
      /   |   \
     /    |    \
    w1   ...   wN


Just to complement what has already been said about splitting a servers initialisation into two parts, the first in the init/1 function and the second in either handle_cast/2 or handle_info/2. There is really only one reason to do this and that is if the initialisation is expected to take a long time. Then splitting it up will allow the gen_server:start_link to return faster which can be important for servers started by supervisors as they "hang" while starting their children and one slow starting child can delay the whole supervisor startup.

In this case I don't think it is bad style to split the server initialisation.

It is important to be careful with errors. An error in init/1 will cause the supervisor to terminate while an error in the second part as they will cause the supervisor to try and restart that child.

I personally think it is better style for the server to send a message to itself, either with an explicit ! or a gen_server:cast, as with a good descriptive message, for example init_phase_2, it will be easier to see what is going on, rather than a more anonymous timeout. Especially if timeouts are used elsewhere as well.

Calling your own supervisor sure does seem like a bad idea, but I do something similar all the time.

init(...) ->
   gen_server:cast(self(), startup),
   {ok, ...}.

handle_cast(startup, State) ->
   {noreply, State}.

I think this is clearer than using timeout and handle_info, it's pretty much guaranteed that no message can get ahead of the startup message (no one else has our pid until after we've sent that message), and it doesn't get in the way if I need to use timeouts for something else.

This may be very efficient and simple solution, but I think it is not good erlang style. I am using timer:apply_after, which is better and does not make impression of interacting with external module/gen_*.

I think that the best way would be to use state machines (gen_fsm). Most of our gen_srvers are really state machine, however because initial work effort to set up get_fsm I think we end up with gen_srv.

To conclude, I would use timer:apply_after to make code clear and efficient or gen_fsm to be pure Erlang style (even faster).

I have just read code snippets, but example itself is somehow broken -- I do not understand this construct of gen_srv manipulating supervisor. Even if it is manager of some pool of future children, this is even more important reason to do it explicitly, without counting on processes' mailbox magic. Debugging this would be also hell in some bigger system.

Frankly, I don't see a point in splitting initialization. Doing heavy lifting in init does hang supervisor, but using timeout/handle_info, sending message to self() or adding init_check to every handler (another possibility, not very convenient though) will effectively hang calling processes. So why do I need "working" supervisor with "not quite working" gen_server? Clean implementation should probably include "not_ready" reply for any message during initialization (why not to spawn full initialization from init + send message back to self() when complete, which would reset "not_ready" status), but then "not ready" reply should be properly processed by the caller and this adds a lot of complexity. Just suspending a reply is not a good idea.

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