
I have a UITableView in a UINavigationController. On the navigation bar I have a button called add. When this button is pressed it presents a UIPopoverController, where user can input data to be added as a new row/cell in the UITableView. My issue is how can I add a new cell to the UITableView from the UIPopover? Do I pass in the array data to the UIPopOver root controller?

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There are two solutions to this that I'm aware of. One would be to send a notification from the popover to the root controller and apply the necessary code to update the tableView in the handleNotification method.

The other, one that I personally use, is to set up a delegate protocol for the popover. You'll have to set it up something like this:

@protocol PopoverDelegate
- (void)addNewCell;  // you can add any information you need to pass onto this if necessary such as addNewCellWithName:(NSString *)name, etc.

@interface MyPopoverViewController..... {
    id <PopoverDelegate> delegate;
    // the rest of your interface code;
@property (nonatomic, retain) id delegate;
// any other methods or properties;

Then in your root view controller header file, you need to add the delegate

@interface RootViewController .... <PopoverDelegate> {

Then in your root view controller implementation file, assign the popover delegate when you instantiate it. For example:

MyPopoverViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
vc.delegate = self;  // this is where you set your protocol delegate
myPopover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:vc];
myPopover.delegate = self;
[vc release];

Finally, you'll add your protocol method somewhere in the code

- (void)addNewCell {
    // do what you want with the tableView from here

Sorry that's a bit long. I just wanted to make sure I was thorough. Hope it helps

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