
I have an sqlite table when each table has a field which I use to hold some bitmask enum.

I would like to perform a query which will return me all results and group all enums into one field:

Services: TEXT name,INTEGER service,INTEGER mask

SELECT service,XXX FROM Services GROUP BY service

Basically, I would like XXX to be the result of bitmask OR (|) of all masks per that service.




So as a result, I would like to get the following rows:

1,15 (1|2|4|8)
2,3 (1|3|2)


EDIT: In my original question, I've forgot to mention that each mask is not a single bit but can be a mask of multiple bits (I've changed the second example to reflect that).

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SQLite supports custom aggregate functions; depending on your set up you could register a custom function to do this pretty easily. Using the C API:

void bitwise_or_step(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv)
    int *buffer = (int *)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(int));
    int x = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
    *buffer |= x;

void bitwise_or_final(sqlite3_context *context)
    int *buffer = (int *)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(int));
    sqlite3_result_int(context, *buffer);

sqlite3_create_function_v2(db, "BITWISE_OR", 1, SQLITE_ANY, NULL,
    NULL, bitwise_or_step, bitwise_or_final, NULL);

Then within your SQL, you should be able to do:

SELECT service,BITWISE_OR(mask) FROM Services GROUP BY service

If you're using PHP, you can define a custom aggregate function from PHP, too.


A bitmask OR (|) operation of integers in SQL is simple matter of summing up unique power of 2 values for each key:

todd$ sqlite3 ex1
SQLite version 3.7.5
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table Services(Name varchar(100), Service int, mask int);
sqlite> insert into Services values("a1", 1, 1);
sqlite> insert into Services values("a2", 1, 2);
sqlite> insert into Services values("a3", 1, 4);
sqlite> insert into Services values("a4", 1, 8);
sqlite> insert into Services values("b1", 2, 1);
sqlite> insert into Services values("b2", 2, 3);
sqlite> insert into Services values("b3", 2, 2);
sqlite> select * from Services;

EDIT: When you know the bitmap domain, you can bitand the value into its parts and sum:

sqlite> select Service, max(mask&1) + max(mask&2) +  max(mask&4) + max(mask&8) from Services group by Service;

You can extend the max(mask&bit) logic for all know powers of 2 you are storing in the bitmap mask.

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