
How can I authenticate a user with LDAP using CGI/TCL stack?

Please provide a sample code-snippet if possible.

I am using an Apache Web Server on RHEL 5.0; AD exists on a remote Win2003 server.

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Here is an example that will connect to an ldap server and retrieve all of the info ldap has about an email address:

package require ldap
set sEmailAddress ""

set handle [::ldap::connect 3268]
ldap::bind $handle

set result [::ldap::search $handle "dc=example,dc=com" "(mail=$sEmailAddress)" {sAMAccountName}]

foreach {object attributes} $result {
  foreach {name val} $attributes {
    puts "$name\t$val"


Here's the ldap package. You first bind using some "bind user" who can see everyone. You then search for the user based on some attribute like e-mail address or sAMAccountName. If the user exists, bind again using the given password and the full path of the user.

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