
My index.html page for my project needs some Ruby code so I need to change it to a .erb extension. How do I configure Rails to identify the index.html.erb file as the starting page of the project instead of the index.html file?

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You need to configure the map.root path in your config/routes.rb file.

map.root :controller => "blogs"

# This would recognize as
params = { :controller => 'blogs', :action => 'index' }

# and provide these named routes
root_url   # => ''
root_path  # => ''


public/index.html is a flat file, and doesn't go through any templating (everything in /public/ is like this.)

If you want templating on your index page, you need to run the request through a controller and a view. You can map the root URL of your application to a controller with map.root:

map.root :controller => 'home'

Or you could do root to:


    root to: 'index.html.erb'

Be sure to delete index.html file

The answers here are now outdated. Assuming the index.html.erb file is under a controller and a view called patients. In rails 3 you would do it like this:

match "/" => "patients#index"
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