
I have been trying for quite some time to show the current coordinates of a turtle in NetLogo. I'm aware that to show one of the coordinates, I could use:

show [xcor] of turtle 0


show [ycor] of turtle 0

But how do I show both coordinates?

Thank you.

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You can show [list xcor ycor] of turtle 0.

Or, fancier: show [(word "(" xcor ", " ycor ")")] of turtle 0.


if you don't know the exact turtle (of turtle 5) who's coordinates you would like to show but you want to identify the position of specific turtle running a process you can use just

show list xcor ycor  ; not need to use self or myself


you can do

show [xcor + ycor] of turtle 5

But not sure if that helps?

sorry.. it doesnt.. 1 sec!

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