
I have an application named HelloWorld installed, yet not deployed. Its state is Installed, like such:

enter image description here

When I'm trying to deploy it on target server, say AdminServer, it results in creating a new application named helloworld.war which is deployed on AdminServer whereas the original HelloWorld app remains in Installed state. App helloworld.war is the one that is in state Active... Snapshot:

enter image description here

Here's the code I use to deploy the already installed app:

File warFilePath = new File("c:/helloworld.war"); // war file path on AdminServer machine

Target adminServerTarget = deployManager.getTarget("AdminServer");
WebLogicTargetModuleID targetModuleID = deployManager.createTargetModuleID(
        "HelloWorld", ModuleType.WAR, adminServerTarget);
WebLogicTargetModuleID[] targetModuleIDs = new WebLogicTargetModuleID[1];
targetModuleIDs[0] = targetModuleID;

ProgressObject redeployProcessObject =
    deployManager.redeploy(targetModuleIDs, warFilePath, null /*no deployment plan*/ );

There are two surprising facts, though.

First, when running this code on WebLogic versions 9.x to 10.3.3 it works great.

Second, when running this code from WLST prompt, with jython it also works great even on version 10.3.4 (I can attach the exact commands although they're the same as java except for syntactic adoptions)...

My question is, how do I make it work also on 10.3.4?

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I should have thought that no one would answer this question... :)

Anyway, I found a solution. I should have used deploy instead of redeploy, with a DeploymentOptions of which name is the existing application name (HelloWorld):

      ProgressObject redeployProcessObject = null;
      try {
          final DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions();
          redeployProcessObject = deployManager.deploy(
              targetModuleIDs, warFilePath, null /*no deployment plan*/, options);
      } catch (TargetException e) {
          final String message =
                  String.format("Deployment of application %s on target %s failed: %s",
                          applicationName, allTargets, e.getMessage());
          _log.error(message, e);

According to the docs, redeploy only replaces the current application files and plan with an updated version. Whereas deploy distributes the files (from the AdminServer) to the target(s) and starts the application.

Also, after digging deep in WebLogic's jython scripts and jars I found out that this is exactly what's done when invoking redeploy in the WLST.

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