
I downloaded the source code for "Ruby Linguistics With Verb Conjugation".

How can I install it for usage? Do I need to compile it into some gem?

Was it helpful?


cd into the directory and run rake, then install the gem:

$ git clone
$ cd ruby_linguistics_with_verb_conjugation
$ rake
...lots of output...
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: linguistics
  Version: 1.0.8
  File: linguistics-1.0.8.gem
  mv linguistics-1.0.8.gem pkg/linguistics-1.0.8.gem
$ cd pkg
$ gem install linguistics-1.0.8.gem



There is a Linguistics gem. Did you try gem install linguistics? If you're not running RVM you'll want to use sudo.

After failing to run rake on the mac, this worked on the mac:

sudo gem install linguistics 

Then, you need to run it from your script:

require "rubygems"
require "linguistics"

Thanks, Tin Man.

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