
I want to create a custom event that will be triggered whenever a numeric value is entered in an input type="text". Alphabets should be ignored. change and blur events didn't work well for me.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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You might still be able to use change or blur events, but insert some additional logic to detect if your input is something that you'd want to trigger an event with, so

$(".field").on("change blur keydown keyup", function(){
      //your code
    } else {
      //do nothing



You can easily create custom events :

// handle event
$('#mydiv').on('customevent', function(e) { });

// trigger event

You're looking for a keydown, keypress or keyup event to catch input, and reject non-numeric input.

Out of these three options, for integer input, the keypress event very suitable.

$('input#selector').keypress(function(event) {
    if (e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) { // or:
  //if (!/\d/.test(String.fromCharCode(e.which))) {

However, you should also use blur / change, to deal with input from copy-pasting/dragging.

$( '#input-id' ).keyup(function(e)
        if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57 )

I think this will help you..

Alphanumeric Demo

good artical is here.. but i cant think it needs .you can use keydown, keypress or keyup as suggested by Rob.

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